Facilitated by Hayden Lilien

Attorney and Certified Family Mediator

How does it work?

With structure and guidance from an attorney and family mediator, we create a safe space to:

  • Address legal, financial, and logistical aspects of divorce such as:
    • division of assets
    • spousal support
    • child support
    • parenting plans

  • Understand the stages of divorce and pathways to conflict resolution.

  • Plan for your financial future.

  • Demystify your unique divorce process by creating clear steps forward.

  • Rebuild emotional resilience and celebrate progress in a community with related life experiences.

Who is this group for?

This group is for people at all stages

of separation or divorce!


  • You have no idea how to move forward or what comes next because no one teaches us how to get divorced.

  • You are feeling overwhelmed, alone, or excited and ready to face what’s in front of you to get to the other side.

  • You want to divorce in the best way possible for the well-being of your children.

  • You want the support of a community and an experienced guide to meet you wherever you are in the process!

Regardless of your next move, you are standing at the precipice of a new chapter in your life. You are becoming! This group will help you move through this time with deep introspection and intentionality.

Details of the ONGOING group

  • Weekly online sessions on Thursdays from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. PST with a minimum of a 4-week commitment. We welcome new members once a month.

  • Discounted 1:1 sessions with an experienced guide, who is also an Attorney and Certified Family Mediator, for those moments when you need deeper and more individualized support.

  • Access to a peer group thread where you can reach out at any time.

meet your faciliator

Hayden Lilien (She/Her)

J.D., M.B.A., Certified Mediator

Hayden has helped countless couples and individuals successfully navigate divorce and co-parenting. She does this through Divorce Mediation, 1:1 Guided Sessions, and Group Facilitation. She is a Lawyer, Certified Family Mediator, Mother, and Divorcee. She comes ready to support the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of divorce and separation.

Reach out to learn more about Divorce Mediation and 1:1 Coaching services.



Monthly Cost: $300

***Payment plans available***

Get started with a free 15-minute consultation